Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Song #20: Action Billed (2012)

I've now been in the post-production sound business longer than I was in the music business (that's kind of sad, but the money's been steady so I shouldn't complain: insert smallest violin here).
Still there are many parallels between both businesses.
A band, a producer, and an engineer working together creatively in a recording studio is not that much different than actors, a director, and a crew working together on a film-stage.
Both scenarios involve a benevolent dictatorship combined with presumed cooperation, that to an outsider may seem chaotic, but upon closer inspection is almost ballet-like in execution. Everyone works together with a common goal (hit-song or blockbuster) in mind.

This song was inspired by a colleague "leaving" the film business, but the song took on a life of it's own, and became a tribute to all the people who work in the film business.
It takes a village to make an album, and a big city to make a movie, and it is exhilarating, frustrating, and humbling for me to be a small part of the process.

Action Bill

On the largest sound-stage in the world
Stands an actor with a cool stark face
On the largest sound-stage in the world
It's a ballet of the human race

Behind the scenes
There's a grip with a whip, and a dolly, and a bull
Behind the scenes
There's a driver resting pretty full
Behind the scenes
There's an extra playing off the best boys
Behind the scenes
There's a trailer making too much noise

Hit the lights
Roll sound
It's action Bill

In the smallest edit-bay in the world
Sits a picture of a cool stark face
In the smallest edit-bay in the world
There's a single frame that's out of place

Behind the scenes
A trashcan overflows with Red Bull
Behind the scenes
There's an Avid bin looking pretty full
Behind the scenes
The director's starting to annoy
Behind the scenes
When the match-frame works it's so much joy

Hit the lights
Roll sound
It's action Bill

Lock it up and copy that action
One more take we'll make satisfation
Lock it up and copy that action
One more take we'll fake satisfaction

And the car spins around in the 5.1 sound
And crash and explosion's divine
As the golden hour goes into grace
I'd be lying if I told you the time

Britt Bacon: keyboards, vocals
Ira Ingber: guitars
Alan Morse: guitars
Richy Stano: guitars
Special thanks to David, Tad, Brett, Dan, Kevin, Andre, Leslie, John, John, John, Joshua, Daniel, Donnie, Drew, and Jessica for their voice-over talents.
Extra special thanks to Sam for the set jargon!

Control room picture courtesy of Ben Swets

Written by Britt Bacon 

Source: digital audio tracks 48k.

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