Saturday, March 31, 2018

Song #32 I'm Only Driving (Don't Mind Me) (2014-2018)

Many songs I've written or co-written, have come rather quickly (no pun intended). Inspiration strikes, and within an hour, or maybe a day, a song is born. It's the finishing part of the process that can take a bit longer.

Recording, and then mixing all the pieces of the puzzle was easier when we had a limited amount of time and tracks to do so; studio time wasn't cheap, and you got used to making compromises. As we used to say, "Close enough for rock and roll".

Started this song in early 2014; my new all-electric Nissan Leaf automobile played a melody when it started up/switched on, and I decided to write a song based around the theme. The songwriting was completed in about a day, and I sent versions of it to my dear friends and amazing guitar players Alan Morse, Ira Ingber, and Richy Stano, (also known as" the AIR collective") for their instrumental contributions.They sent their files to me over the next month, and the assembling of the final song began.

Now with a digital studio at home, time is no longer the enemy of perfection, although one could argue that a mobster with a stopwatch and a gun to my head would definitely help speed things up.
Long story short, this song took much longer than anticipated, and it's still not perfect. The current version number posted is 432. And the video that should accompany it is still not complete.

No time; got to get to work.

Don't Mind Me (I'm Only Driving)

I should be so happy here driving my car
But does it make a difference that I made it this far
I can go the distance when the prospects are good
I can know this instant, and know that I could
I know I should
Not look down

But don't mind me
I'm only driving
Don't mind me
I'm only driving
Satisfied me

Make a list with pencil, or things won't get done
Only read on paper; color comics are fun
Calculate the difference every part of the day
Ignore the phantom ringtones as you're going your way
And don't they say
Don't look down

And don't mind me
I'm only driving
Don't mind me
I'm only driving
Satisfy me

Me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me
Me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me

It's not what you say it's what you do
It's not who you know it's who you screw
It's not impossible to become the person you never wanted to become
It's true

Look at the world not at your screen
Life is what happens when you’re not seen
Put the phone down shut up and drive
Try to enjoy just being alive

But don't mind me
I'm only driving
And don't mind me
I'm only driving
Satisfied me

Words and music by Britt Bacon ©2018

April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month.
Be careful out there...

Alan Morse: electric guitars
Ira Ingber: electric guitars
Richy Stano: acoustic and electric guitars
Carl Sealove: electric bass
Leaf: start-up melody, turn-signals, backup sound, door slam, horn, seat cushions
Everything else: Me, me, me

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