of the benefits of being a recording engineer: you work in a
sound-proof room. There are no distractions from the outside world to
impede your focus on the task at hand; i.e., to "make it sound good".

of the drawbacks of being a recording engineer: you work in a
sound-proof room. Shit happens in the outside world, and you are
completely unaware.
The result is I am a really good engineer, but am often-times totally clueless.
I was mixing this song, on December 8th, 1980, unaware that my former girlfriend had entered into a suicide pact with Darby Crash the night before. She survived. He did not.
The evening of this same day, outside the Dakota apartment building in New York, John Lennon was murdered. Damon was watching television in the lounge when he heard the news, and he came into the control room to tell me.
Lennon's death totally eclipsed Crash's in the news cycle, and it wasn't until years later that I learned the awful details in an excerpt from Brendan Mullen's book in the L.A. Weekly.
Film At Eleven
We interrupt your fantasy
To bait you with this late situation
We've got it down for you to see
The best of the worst in the nation
The sunset strangler strikes again
His victim she's nude and it's heaven
There's bad news too it looks like rain
We've got the film at eleven
We've got the film at eleven
We've got the news we couldn't show you at seven
The stories are hot
We'll thicken the plot
See who the cops shot
A half-hour sacrifice of sleep
We'll give you the suspect's arraignment
We'll even try and hang the creep
All for your late night entertainment
Forget the hapless state you're in
This pause for the cause to remind you
Swallow our sponsor's aspirin
And put all your headaches behind you
We've got the film at eleven
We've got the news we couldn't show you at seven
The stories are hot
We'll thicken the plot
See who the cops shot
Safe in the warm security of bed
Play another scene of violence through your head
Film at eleven shows it all
See America's decline and fall
Britt Bacon: vocals, guitar
Alan Morse: lead guitar
Dean Groves: bass
Teddy Zambetti: drums
Written by Britt Bacon and Damon Leigh
© 1980
Source: 1/4" stereo analogue tape 30 ips
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